02 880 58 42

Grants & subsidies

Grants for 

Export strategy consultancy :
Receive a bonus for external consultancy to implement your export strategy.

Information material :
Receive a bonus for translating brochures, catalogues, audio-visual material, etc. into other languages.

Canvassing trip :
Receive a bonus for your trips to a new business development market outside the European Union.

Participation in a virtual fair :
Receive an incentive to promote your business (products, brand, services) at a virtual fair.

Participation in a physical fair :
Receive a bonus for participating in a trade fair, exhibition, congress or trade show abroad.

Invitation of prospects :
Receive a bonus for inviting prospects located abroad (outside the European Union).

Participation in a call for tenders :
Receive a bonus for your expenses related to a tender carried out outside the European Union.
For travel costs; remuneration; purchase of specifications; preparation of tender...

Rental of a prospecting office :
Receive a monthly bonus for renting a prospecting office outside the European Union.

Recruitment for export projects :
Receive a bonus for recruiting a full-time worker
to export your products or services.
Application for premiums/subsidies

A quality service tailored to your needs

Novaprime will take all the necessary steps on your behalf and will pursue the allowance until it is obtained.




Application for premiums/subsidies
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