02 880 58 42

Grants & subsidies

Grants for 
Purchasing and Works

Investment in equipment :
Receive a bonus for carrying out work;
For the purchase of new equipment ;
To buy a business ...

Property acquisition :
Receive a bonus for the purchase of a building;
For the purchase of land.

Compliance with standards :
Receive an incentive to comply with the new standards imposed;
Safety standards; Quality standards; Hygiene standards ...
Adapting your establishment to comply with the legislation;
For the purchase of new machines ...

Securing the business :
Receive a bonus for installing a security system, alarm system;
For the installation of surveillance cameras ;
For the installation of shutters, fencing, ...

Accessibility of the premises :
Receive a bonus for facilitating certain accesses to your business;
For the elderly; people with reduced mobility ...

Recovery of materials :
Receive an incentive to steer your business towards sustainability;
Collection; Sorting ...

Neighbourhood disturbance or polluted site :
Receive a bonus for the development or purchase of a project;
For certain neighbourhood problems;
For the treatment of polluted soils ...

Purchase of a cargo bike :
Receive a bonus for the purchase of a cargo bike and/or bike trailer
To get to your customers;
To make deliveries ...

Replacement of your commercial vehicle :
Receive a bonus for buying a commercial vehicle;
For leasing a commercial vehicle ...
Application for premiums/subsidies

A quality service tailored to your needs

Novaprime will take all the necessary steps on your behalf and will pursue the allowance until it is obtained.




Application for premiums/subsidies
Get information on other allowances